Michael Baker
Company Name
United Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County
Year Founded
Non Profit, Youth Development
What does your company do/What service does your company offer?
We offer before and after school programming for school-aged children in Santa Barbara County.
What is your company’s mission?
To enable all young people, especially those that need us the most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.
What you like best about working with CIO as your IT Provider?
Does not matter what time of day we have an issue they are there to resolve it immediately. I have literally called them at 3am and have had my issue resolved.
Best Lunch Spot in SB or SLO:
As a native NY’er it has to be a pizza place. Best Pizza in SB, bar none, is Gino’s on Figueroa. Not even close!
Who is your ideal client?
A child that everyone has given up on.
Favorite company activity?
I love going to visit the clubs during programming time and seeing the way our members look at our club staff. Such admiration and genuine eagerness to be around them.
Anything else that is interesting about your business?
We never, ever, turn a child away due to their economic situation.