Office 365 Unlicensed Product Error
Issue: Logging in/using any Microsoft product gives you an “Unlicensed Product” error.
Usually, this is in the form of a red or yellow warning bar and/or a yellow warning triangle next to your login name. The warning bar tells you that your license is expired or that you cannot use your Microsoft product. You can open documents but may not be able to type.
This can happen in Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, or any Microsoft product.
Steps to Resolve:
- Close out of all of your Microsoft applications entirely
- Open Microsoft Word
- Click on the warning triangle to prompt you to re-authenticate
- Click the Sign In button
- Enter your full email address
- Enter your email password (if you use the Cloud, this is also your Cloud password)
- Click Sign In and it will load Word without those error messages or warning
- Now open any other Microsoft application and it should load properly
If the above does not work:
- Close all Microsoft Office applications (Word/Excel/Outlook/Teams/Access, etc.)
- Open Microsoft Word and go to File > Account
- Click sign out at the top. (Note: it may already be signed out)
- Once this is complete, Sign-In once more like above (Steps 4-7 above)
If you have any problems with these steps, contact CIO Solutions Support.